Resolving Parent-Child Issues For Over 30 Years
At The Dickerson Karacsonyi Law Group, we are not only family law attorneys — we are parents ourselves. We understand there is no relationship more important or enduring than the one between a parent and his or her child. For over three decades, The Dickerson Karacsonyi Law Group has been representing parents and successfully resolving their issues of child custody, guardianship, and paternity.
Resolving Child Custody Arrangements And Relocation
A child’s best interest is the focus of a child custody arrangement. At The Dickerson Karacsonyi Law Group, we understand that parents are best suited to know what is in their child’s best interest. We listen to our clients and assist them in achieving a custody arrangement in their child’s best interest. The attorneys at The Dickerson Karacsonyi Law Group are experienced in handling all aspects of child custody, including establishment of an initial child custody arrangement, modification of an existing child custody arrangement, and a parent’s relocation from the Las Vegas metropolitan area with a child.
Effective Assistance With Paternity Issues
Paternity is the legal relationship between a father and his child, and it creates a father’s rights and responsibilities with respect to his child. At The Dickerson Karacsonyi Law Group, we have assisted countless men in successfully establishing their legal relationship to their children, and have assisted many women seeking to recover child support from their child’s father. We have also successfully disestablished paternity where DNA test results conclusively prove that a man is not a child’s biological father.
Helping Parents For Over 30 Years
At The Dickerson Karacsonyi Law Group, our lawyers have been helping parents with their child custody arrangements and paternity issues for over 30 years. Serving families in Las Vegas, Henderson, Clark County, and throughout Nevada.